Clients who contact a software house to build their custom web application usually ask two key questions: How much money and how long it will take. These questions may seem simple, but it can be difficult to answer. Why? These two issues are much more complicated than they seem. The answer to this question will depend on many factors. It will take you several months to complete your application. We will discuss why it is so difficult to provide a precise answer, and what factors can be used to speed up or slow down the development of your application. It is difficult to predict the time it will take to develop an application. The Agreement between the client (and the software house) will give an estimate of the project’s completion. This will include the design, development, and testing. It is impossible to establish exact deadlines during the initial meetings. This is due to the following factors: The process of designing the application is not strictly controlled and will heavily depend on the success of advisor-client communication, both parties’ commitment, and the extent to which the application must be modified to meet client’s requirements. The more complicated and innovative the solution will be, the longer it takes for programmers to create it. During testing , the team will look for bugs and areas where the solution might differ from the mockup. Also, it takes more time to fix any potential problems and run the test again. Now you will see that the advisor in the chat can’t give you an exact answer when you ask them how long it will take for a custom-made application to be developed. Instead, you will get an estimate of the project’s completion time. This can be more accurately determined as your solution is being developed and designed. What factors can prolong the development of a bespoke application? What decisions you make will have a significant impact on the completion time. Below are some things that can delay or affect the project’s completion time.

  1. Modifying the mockup. When we create your mockup, you should consider how your application will work. These describe and represent the functions of your solution. They are then taken over the programmers who will create your application. The development process is prolonged by adding additional comments after the mockup has been approved. It is important to identify your requirements at the beginning of the project. This will help ensure that the design is accurate.
  1. Indecisiveness when it comes to how the application looks, functions. You should know exactly what kind of solution you are looking for before you call a software company. You need to decide on the tasks you wish to automate with your new system. Also, consider how many users you will have, whether integration is required with other systems and what design you would like the application to look. Layout is important. You should focus on the modules that you require, the data that you want in tables, and the page you want when you log into the system. These issues can lead to delays in the final product’s release.


  1. Too Many Options and Functions. Clients often come up with many different solutions. Clients often have a lot of different functions and are unsure what they should be helping with. The application development process will take longer and may be too costly. Some companies may require complex solutions because of the many tasks they perform and the number of customers they serve. However, it is important to keep the system simple and easy to use so that it can streamline workflows and save time.


  1. Communications issues. Every interaction is susceptible to misunderstanding, and the one between an IT advisor (client) is no exception. These include not being clear about your needs and requirements and making claims that are not covered in the agreement. A situation in which the software house waits for a response or the approval of a particular part of the project is another problem that should be avoided. This can also delay reaching the goal. It is crucial to be proactive, committed, and able to give constructive feedback.

How can Speed up the process of developing bespoke applications? Take part in the development to make it faster and get your web software sooner. It’s worth knowing what you can do.

  1. Define your needs. You can communicate effectively with the software house to get the application that you need. You can help the process by identifying the areas that the application should improve. Next, consider what system solutions might be able help you achieve your goals. Invoices, customer database and calendar, warehouse, etc. Talk to one of our Kamee advisors if you have difficulty doing that. They will help you find the best solution for your situation.


  1. When the solution has been designed and tested, you can commit time. Although it may seem counterintuitive, saving time in these two stages can lead to more time overall. Why? The reason is simple: If you prepare the documentation and mockup in a hurry and skip the detailed analysis of your requirements, the final solution won’t meet all your and your company’s needs. Your employees will not use a solution that was implemented too quickly. It is important to take the time to understand your requirements and train your employees to use the software.


  1. Communicate your thoughts and ideas to the IT advisor with precision. It is important that all information is exchanged in a way that supports the realization and growth of the project. If you are unsure about any aspect of the agreement or application, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Kamee IT advisors will give you all the information necessary to use the solution effectively. We welcome your feedback, which will allow us to continue developing the application your team will use for many years.